
it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday?

it doesn't mean i want to re-write the song lyrics which is sung by hmm.... boys II men (rite?).
i just............................ ok, i'll re-write it first.

How do I say goodbye to what we had?
The good times that made us laugh

Outweigh the bad

I thought we'd get to see forever

But forever's gone away

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

I don't know where this road

Is going to lead
All I know is where we've been

And what we've been through

If we get to see tomorrow

I hope it's worth all the wait

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

And I'll take with me the memories

To be my sunshine after the rain

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

And I'll take with me the memories

To be my sunshine after the rain

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

anyway, it's copied from the google :p

don't you agree the lyrics are really touching?

I thought we'd get to see forever

But forever's gone away

yes, it's true. i thought that we'd get to see forever, but forever's *sigh* gone away *sigh sigh*
sometimes i want to back to the past
well, now i'm moving
i try to move
think that i'm still 17
it's still a long time till 'the time'
still a long time to find the best one
anyway, God will find me the one :)
will it be him, or someone else, i know it will be the best

mm everyday i pray for something (or someone)
too bad, i have problems with this 'something' (or 'someone')
ya ya, still a long way to go ;p

hmm, wish myself the best of the best :D
wish the next one is the last one before 'the time'
wish you guys the best of the best too
think about the future, it's about having a relationship that brings you to the next level it's not just your fun time
get your best, have a healthy relationship
God bless you :)


FIFA World Cup 2010 Jreng Jreng

ok, agak telat yah baru ngepost stelah game2 akhir smua group haha. tp seperti orang bilang, lebih baik telat drpd tidak sama skali (ga penting).

seperti di WC (baca: world cup, bukan toilet) 2006 lalu, gw kmbali mendukung #GER alias Jerman. oyeahhhhhh i love #GER!

let me introduce you my newest best friend, KIBAL (don't ask why he's called KIBAL, it's not miki abal or miki gombal or what)

nah gw dan kibal bersama2 mendukung #GER. tanpa alasan yang jelas, kita suka ama si #GER ini. mungkin karena jatuh cinta pas WC 2006 ya. melihat klinsmann (ex-coach) yang baik hati (sepertinya) bersama teman2 tim dan waktu itu masih ada lehmann si kiper yg owaww jago abis buat gw, penalti jarang lolos.

ini loh si coach baik hati

ini si kiper jago (sengaja cari foto yg oke)

terus skarang udah ga ada mereka sih. tp gw tetap dukung #GER! seengganya masih ada klose dan podolski.

saking demennya ama #GER (ga mo bilang saking freaknya), gw sampe cari2 foto 1 timnasnya mreka. tp sayangnya ga ada yg timnas terbaru, adanya yg lama gtu bahkan msh ama lehmann. kalo yg baru itu kan uda banyak tambahannya gtu. pokoknya kalo yg gw inget ada si mueller yg make nomor 13nya ballack (si belek cedera gara2 pmain ghana nomor 23 gyan), ada juga cacau (or cacao?), lalu oezil yg nyetak gol tunggal pas lawan ghana, boateng yg mnurut gw mirip artis,luar yg di film scorpion king yg jd kaya kepala suku apa gitu, marin yg imyut, badstuber yg mukanya jerman banget (apa dah), lahm si kapten yg mirip orang Greja (hehe), schweinsteiger yg susah nulis namanya, trochowski, fredrick, khedira. ok gw lupa ah sisanya. kalo kipernya kmaren yg main si neuer terus (papa said it's noir) di mana gw ga demen2 amat karena dy sangat teramat jarang oper jauh grrrr bahaya kali kalo pendek2, ada juga si butt (ini beneran nama orang) sama tim wiese. mungkin 2 terakhir itu uda ketuaan jd pakenya neuer (noir) yg mukanya masih muda. oya, pelatihnya skarang itu si joachim loew, dy dulu asistennya klinsmann. FYI, gw yakin loew adalah coach terstylish di WC atau bahkan sepanjang dunia persepakbolaan.

joachim loew, most stylish coach i guess :p

hmm makin lama makin ga jelas gw casciscus sendiri soal #GER. ya sudah. doa terbaik utk #GER. next match will be held on this sunday at 9 PM, #GER vs #ENG. and klose will play after absent on last match because of red card.
see yaaa, good luck #GER!


a verse of my life

that's why i love you so
you make my life much brighter than before
that's why i love you so

days are getting harder but you make it easier


gw msh ga ngerti gmana blogging yg baik dan benar. baru buka lg stelah bbrp bulan gw telantarkan. gw ga ngrti gmana nambahin link dr fcbook atau twitter gw. owyeaaa

dan siang atau sore hari ini, i have no idea what should i do. bener2 liburan yg ga jelassss tp tetep aja gw suka liburan. mengingat di pagi hari ini gw trima brp telpon ya, dr pak ir nanya buku2 osis, trs dr orang IFF (persatuan floorball indonesia gitu) yg katanya uda ngirim run down acara utk oktober nanti. smuanya gw angkat dengan suara dbuat2 biar ga ktauan baru bangun (tp spertinya ga berhasil ya)

bbrp saat yg lalu jg si pak ir tlpon (lagi) nyuruh ini itu. okelah, berbakti pada sekolah ni gw.

ngomong2 berbakti, saudara, sbentar lagi mabisssssss!
sbnernya mabis itu seru. tp utk yg kali ini gw agak kurang semangat, dikarenakan bbrp hal, salah satunya ade kelasnya. blom mulai aja uda ada yg ngata2in pelis deh, you 3G hahahaha (hanya org tertentu yg mengerti, gw makin ga jelas). mana lagunya tiba2 ksebar grrrr mo gw ganti ah.

mabis sih bukan acara plonco2an atau sok2 kakak kelas ya, ini mah sbagai pngenalan skolah baru. TAPI kalo ade kelasnya emang nyolot, mungkin perlu didisiplinkan juga. tenang aja, gw ga bakal marah2 ga jelas, ga level *halah.

anyway, ASK ME SOME QUESTIONS formspring: ainyngre
*yeaa, ainyngre menjadi identitas gw yg makin mendunia

ok enough for this time, see ya :)